Am i alone??????
I was alone for the starting 9 month of my life, but was very safe because no else than my mom was doing my protection and than suddenly i came in between a crowd known to be our family.
Now there were lots of people to care, they make me habitual to live in a group I started realizing that am not alone...
I grown up....went in the school and than in college.
I found lots of friends....now those friends took care of my aloneness.
now i get married and found my life partner who pledges to be with me in any condition. Now i am sure that i am not alone, she is definitely with me.
Now I became elder,have family to care.
Now i think i am not alone, my family is with me.
Than finally the time comes for which i have come in this world.
Now i asked everyone in this world....is there any one who is coming with me, i am going to die????
I don't get any answer....neither from my parents nor from family nor from friends and nor from my wife.
Now i realized that.....for the whole life i was wrong,in actuality i am what i was in my mother i.e. alone.....
I came alone and i have to go alone only.............
So learn to be alone.........