But if I keep this materialistic development aside, because I think it is mainly caused by the govt irresponsibility and corruption. They did not take sensible decisions all over the time.
I need to see more deeply, to understand rich Indian culture and people's mentality. There is no doubt the Indian people have inferiority complex, It is because of slavery by Britishers for a long time. It is actually improving by time, because there is no instant solution of this problem. In addition, I see deep connection and strong faith in people. This faith may be due to fear or devotion but it is there. In India, despite having lots of problems people are very content. They always have feeling of giving something and doing service without any intention. It is very much appreciable. We have a strong tradition of Yoga and meditation. This knowledge is very deep and people in west are hungry of this knowledge. I, myself have meet many people who appreciate me only because I am an Indian. I am from a place where vibrational energy is very strong because for ages rishis and munis have meditated here. Now after 15 days of living in India, my mind set is again changed. So what if there is no development, so what if people dont smile, so what if there are more poor, so what if govt is not good, it is my country. I am blessed to be born in such a beautiful land. I take responsibility to do at my level best to make it better place for living.