I love my diary...It's only place where I am with myself.
No one else disturbs me, bothers me, annoys me and hence I can celebrate this blissfull life with myself.
When I am with my diary I am the one who has full authority to ask the question, I am the one who has full control over myself and hence I love my diary.
And I know It's not like a one sided love and I have a proof for it. I get signals from my diary too and I can interpret those signals. My diary calls me when ever it needs me. It doesn't disturb me when ever I am busy, It also enhances my capabilities and try to improve myself that's what a true lover does and hence my diary also loves me.
I miss the time when we were together, and I hope my diary misses me too.
She knows all my secrets, the secrets from the scratch which I can not say to any one but my diary knows it. and I hope she will keep my secrets deep buried inside it. She gives me suggestion like a guardian does, cares like my parents does and is always with me like my friends and hence I love my diary.