Plato once said, "The only thing is life which is constant is the change"
Many times in life, I want to be the same, why to bother, why to change the patterns which have rooted very deeply in our mind but other times I wish that I could change everything around me in a moment. The change is an endless phenomena which never ends weather we want it or not, it happens.
The change brings transformation sometimes in positive ways and some times in negative ways. We should have the skill to accept both the outcomes.
At subtle level, the mood and feelings changes with time. We get frustrated because of this change. Just being aware of the change is enough to reduce the repercussion of the change.
In life, the time changes. Good time comes, bad time comes, we just need to go through it either with suffering or with acceptance.
People changes, their mind changes, their perception changes. Even the loved ones may start hating you and the enemies may start loving you.
Our own mind changes with the time.
Our level of understanding changes, we become more mature with the experience and with the time.
The wise ones accept these inevitable changes and make their own mind free of all the juggleries because the most important thing is to save our own mind at any cost.
Many times in life, I want to be the same, why to bother, why to change the patterns which have rooted very deeply in our mind but other times I wish that I could change everything around me in a moment. The change is an endless phenomena which never ends weather we want it or not, it happens.
The change brings transformation sometimes in positive ways and some times in negative ways. We should have the skill to accept both the outcomes.
At subtle level, the mood and feelings changes with time. We get frustrated because of this change. Just being aware of the change is enough to reduce the repercussion of the change.
In life, the time changes. Good time comes, bad time comes, we just need to go through it either with suffering or with acceptance.
People changes, their mind changes, their perception changes. Even the loved ones may start hating you and the enemies may start loving you.
Our own mind changes with the time.
Our level of understanding changes, we become more mature with the experience and with the time.
The wise ones accept these inevitable changes and make their own mind free of all the juggleries because the most important thing is to save our own mind at any cost.