About Me

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Introducing one-self is not easy,its like giving an open book exam.You have all the resources available with you in exam but you prefer to write what you remember rather than wasting time in searching. Similarly while you introduce your self, you see what other's introductions are having & just copy and paste their hobby as your Hobby, their interest as your interest. You never see whats there inside you. I never find easy to articulate my self so here I am....expressing my self to the world, to see myself from inside.... The first step is to give my formal introduction.... My self Nikhilesh(aka nicky) also supposed to be an electronics engineer. Have done M.TECH. in Optical Communication from IIT DELHI. I was in TU/Eindhoven (The Nehterlands) for one year as a research scholar. Currently I am working as a SW QA Engg in Infinera Bangalore. My views are generally optimistic. While doing any work, the last thing I would do is to loose hope. People say I am innocent but I know the depth of innocency. I like to be with myself but I am not agoraphobiac, instead I love to travel. I am charged by observing different people and their cultures.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mere pyar ki jeet...

आज फिर तेरी बातों में मैं उलझ कर रह गया, वो सिमटा हुआ दिल मचल कर रह गया |
चाह कर भी तुझसे कह न पाया जो कहना था , मैं  मेरे दिल में ही सिमट कर रह गया ||

जब भी तुझे अपने करीब पाता हूँ , एक आहट सी दिल में और मुस्कराहट को लबों पे पाता हूँ |
कहना तो चाहता हूँ बहुत कुछ , पर होंठो पर हमेशा एक सीलन सी पाता हूँ |
खुदा गवाह हैं इस चीज का, की मैं तुम्हे कितना चाहता हूँ ||

उन अरमानो को मैंने दबा रखा है, ऐसा नहीं है की मुझे तुमसे कोई खता है 
मेरा दिल तो उसी दिन से घायल है, जब से मेरी आँखों को तुम्हारा बस एक दीदार हुआ है
करीब आना चाहता था तुम्हारे दिल के, पर तुम्हारी बातों ने ही मुझे मजबूर कर रखा है
समझती हो तुम सिर्फ दोस्त मुझे, तो कैसे तुम्हारा भरोसा तोड़ सकता हूँ 
तुम्हे कैसे दोस्ती तोड़ने पर मजबूर कर सकता हूँ
 सिर्फ मैं ही जानता हूँ की मैंने खुद को कितना सम्भाल रखा हैं

उस दिन जब तुम्हे किसी और की बाहों में देखा, तो खुद पर कभी तरस आया तो कभी गुस्सा 
कभी भगवान को कोसा, तो कभी अपने आपको 
कई महीने लगे खुद को सँभालने में||
पर सालों बाद जब कल तुम्हे खुश देखा तो लगा , 
अपने प्यार की जीत हुई है,
उन अरमानो की जीत हुई है जो मैंने दबा रखे थे,
उस घायल  दिल  की  जीत  हुई  है जो तुम्हारे लिए हर पल तडपता था,
उन अनकहे शब्दों की जीत हुई है जो आज भी मेरे दिल के किसी कोने में दबे पड़े हैं,
और जीत हुई है उस दुरी की जो मैंने तुमसे बना रखी   थी .
तो आज उस जीत पर मैं बड़ा खुश हूँ |

if you say 'i am falling in love' than definitely  you are not in love....because love never make u fall....rather u will fly when you will be in love....dedicated to all lovers:-):-):-)

Friday, November 5, 2010

khush rehkar jeena seekh le!!!!!

अरमानो से भरी इस दुनिया में हम सपने देखा करते है,
   इन सपनो के बीच कुछ अपनों को देखा करते है,
   उन अपनों के बगेर अब रहना सीख ले 
   खुश रहकर जीना सीख ले!
इन सुनहरी किरणों के बीच जाने को दिल करता है,
   पर पंख बगेर धरती पर रहना पड़ता है,
   अब बिना उड़े भी रहना सीख ले,
   खुश रहकर जीना सीख ले!
गम के बादल उमड़ रहे, देखना कब बरस पड़ते है,
   इन बदलो के सायें में भी अब रहना सीख ले,
   खुश रहकर जीना सीख ले!
ये जाने वाला पल फिर न आएगा,
   खुशियों को समेट कर यूँ ही चला जायेगा,
   अब गम में भी रहना सीख ले,
   खुश रहकर जीना सीख ले!
   खुश रहकर जीना सीख ले!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

m i alone......

Am i alone??????

I was alone for the starting 9 month of my life, but was very safe because no else than my mom was doing my protection and than suddenly i came in between a crowd known to be our family.
Now there were lots of people to care, they make me habitual to live in a group I started realizing that am not alone...
I grown up....went in the school and than in college.
I found lots of friends....now those friends took care of my aloneness.
now i get married and found my life partner who pledges to be with me in any condition. Now i am sure that i am not alone, she is definitely with me.
Now I became elder,have family to care.
Now i think i am not alone, my family is with me.
Than finally the time comes for which i have come in this world.
Now i asked everyone in this world....is there any one who is coming with me, i am going to die????
I don't get any answer....neither from my parents nor from family nor from friends and nor from my wife.
Now i realized that.....for the whole life i was wrong,in actuality i am what i was in my mother i.e. alone.....
I came alone and i have to go alone only.............
So learn to be alone.........

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just confidence is required......

So easily the life sucks yaar
before you aware that you are in wrong direction,your half the life has gone
and half the life in improving those wrong part.
you can only survive if you are ready to change,ready to grasp as soon as possible.
and that is not as easy as i spoke so easily.
all the external factors affect you.
The one thing you can do is that make your self internally so strong
that those external factors dont dominate.
I have lots of expactations from this institute from where i am doing my pg.
without thinking that i am ready to change or not, I am sure that this inst. will change me, will change my attitude, will change my life style.
Only comparision with others make us thinking about ourself.
And i am one among those comparisionist.
I know i am same as others.same with mind,same with everythng.than also from where that infirior feelings come....I dont know??? There must be some solution.
Infact there is solution of every problem and my problem is the most common problem of this world(am sure about this).
I dont know what to do? and if i do than why am i doing this?
There must be some super power which shows you the path.
I totally believe in work with a little bit of luck.
yeah...luck factor is also as essential as work.
because every body is ready for the hard work but every body can not get the success.
success is not that you will get overnight. you will have to wait for that....
with lots and lots of confidence. i dont know from where it will come.
but i know that it will come.
so just hope for the best......

Monday, March 1, 2010

lets try.....

Wish, not for formality but to realize some of the festival.there should be real feeling in that.
Here is the festival of colours "HOLI".In my openion this are the few festivals like festival of colours,festivals of lightninig which makes this motherland something special.Special,not in the view of world but in the view of each and every indian.
This society never ask from us any thing rather i think its our duty to serve it.To make it proud of us that how sucessful our society is...in nourishing us.
This development is not on behalf of your work only rather its our society which provided us a well groomed platform to stand and to be nourished.
There may be two things either you give up or try....accordingly u will either fail or win.its like binary digit either 1 or 0 not in between.if 1 comes than seek for the next step and if 0 comes than also dont loose hope who knows that whats going to happen next time.

Try....not for the success but for your satisfaction.success can be stolen but of no use untill you dont have any knowledge and the knowledge can not be stolen it has to be acquired..So hope for the best.....