About Me

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Introducing one-self is not easy,its like giving an open book exam.You have all the resources available with you in exam but you prefer to write what you remember rather than wasting time in searching. Similarly while you introduce your self, you see what other's introductions are having & just copy and paste their hobby as your Hobby, their interest as your interest. You never see whats there inside you. I never find easy to articulate my self so here I am....expressing my self to the world, to see myself from inside.... The first step is to give my formal introduction.... My self Nikhilesh(aka nicky) also supposed to be an electronics engineer. Have done M.TECH. in Optical Communication from IIT DELHI. I was in TU/Eindhoven (The Nehterlands) for one year as a research scholar. Currently I am working as a SW QA Engg in Infinera Bangalore. My views are generally optimistic. While doing any work, the last thing I would do is to loose hope. People say I am innocent but I know the depth of innocency. I like to be with myself but I am not agoraphobiac, instead I love to travel. I am charged by observing different people and their cultures.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How do I see my life?

When I look back, I see my life as a flowing river. Like a river flows in one direction, which ever path it gets, it flows. My life is also the same. Flowing with its own pace, in one direction. This flowing thing is life energy: my prana.

When I look back, I see my life as a steady mountain, strong and firm. Like a mountain is very solid and stable similarly something in me is very stable and not changing. Something in me is unshaken. This unshaken thing is faith.

When I look back, I see my life as a calm and peaceful lake. The water in the lake is very peaceful. It has very serene environment around the lake similarly my life is very peaceful and serene. The outer attachments does not affect me. I am untouched by them.

When I look back, I see my life as a vast sky. The vastness of the sky shelters everything - rivers, trees, mountains, deserts everything. Similarly my life shelters many relations. It has many responsibilities and wears different coats at different times.

But in reality, life is above these all. It is neither river nor mountain nor lake nor sky. It is all energy which is pervading in different forms at different times. Life has a different taste and flavors at different times. We should only know how to channelize these energy in the right direction and than you see that the life becomes like a blossoming lotus and an instrument of love :)

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