In India, we mainly follow concept of arranged marriage. Family play a big role in introducing the boy and the girl. First the family meet and then both the prospects meet for quite a short duration and in that short duration they decide that weather they are ready to live whole life with other person or not. If yes, then they fall in love instantly else they may postpone or deny it. It may seem very odd process for some culture but that is how the things are here.
In India, marriage is not only the unification of two person rather its unification of two families. Two family becomes one big family. So they decide, weather they want to be together or not.
Still we have so many requirement for our prospects. It is said that marriages happens in heaven. So some one is made for you in the heaven and we meet that person on the earth and merry them.
But the main problem is to recognize that person. The problem is not that we don't find anyone, the problem is we find many such and get confused on whom to choose.
Who will be more suitable. Some may match with your Kundali. Some may match with your nature. Some understand your feelings, some keeps you in your comfort zone. Some are traditional, some are typical, some are conservative, some are more open, some are easy to believe on, some are hard to refuse, some rocks, some sucks. And we look for the perfect match. made in heaven type of match.
But if we really want to choose the best. We can close our eyes and choose any one of them. I tell you the real secret of relationship. A boy and a girl in a relationship are like two parallel lines. They should not be like two lines pointing towards each other. Means the focus of one person should not be towards other person always because pointing line matches at one time and then again separates out. whereas the parallel lines always go together and meets at infinity. So if both girl and boy have a common goal for society, for themselves or anything. This common goal motivates them, keeps them busy and they keep the love alive and fresh always. Love blossoms, flourishes and give fragrence to others.
Being born as human, we are equipped with the abilities to make things right when our intuition propounds something is going wrong. And for those who know you would have known that those abilities in you are in abundance :) You will get the best.